Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Addicted to sedatives and slimming

Addicted to sedatives and slimmingAll drugs are produced and distributed officially to help cope with the disease. However, drug abuse can lead to the occurrence of drug dependence and addiction. What is meant by dependence is if someone requires a particular drug to move normally. If not, he will experience physical symptoms of withdrawal. While the use of drug addiction means continuously no matter what the effect is.
Addicted to sedatives and slimming
Basically all drugs can cause dependence if taken does not comply with the rules both illicit drugs and drugs are sold freely and drugs purchased with prescription. Examples such as sedatives and slimming.
Tranquilizers are often prescribed to overcome anxiety or anxiety and sleep disorders. However, the use of drugs in the long term can lead to dependence. The more frequently used, a person will have a condition that requires a tolerance greater doses to calm down because the body has to adjust the dose.
The use of slimming drugs either prescription or not, can cause addicted. Diet drug that is often used is a drug that inhibits appetite. These drugs are generally contain amphetamines can cause addiction. The appetite-suppressing drugs also have the effect of increasing energy and stamina, and make users feel lost weight quickly. However, just like other amphetamine class of drugs, these drugs are very easily addictive and cause tolerance to doses of use.
The use of diet drugs is often a sign of emotional problems or the presence of an eating disorder. Diet drug abuse is due to the discontent of a person's weight and body shape. Characterized by the use of diet pills for a month. Sometimes if the weight does not go down, its daring use more than one drug at a time diet. The result can cause severe side effects on health. Therefore, a diet drug should only be used under medical supervision.

Symptoms of drug dependence

Drug addiction is very harmful to health and can lead to death if it lasts a long time and left without handled. Some of the symptoms of drug addiction:
  1. The more frequent use of drugs even become a daily routine.
  2. Skipping work, school or reluctant to gather with friends as a result of drug use.
  3. Problems arise with family or friends as a result of drug use.
  4. Continue using the drug despite serious side effects.
  5. The more days that used higher doses
  6. If you stop using the medicine will arise discomfort and pain.
  7. Keep buying drugs though no money or debt to get the drug.
  8. Using drugs secretly and hidden
  9. Arising interruption or change in behavior.
Impact on health
Sedatives and diet are abused its use can be very dangerous because the doses used increasingly growing, so there is the possibility of an overdose. In the long-term use, these drugs can cause depression, anxiety, memory disorders and excessive fear. Even the diet drug abuse can cause hallucinations, convulsions, cardiac disorders, and the others. Also, it can cause damage to the kidneys and liver.
With the addiction or drug addiction, would be tortured sufferer, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, if the addiction has affected their lives such as job loss, shunned friends and family, lack of support from people close, and there is still a feeling and a strong urge to use drugs. In addition to the physical impact will showing the effect psychologically so that treatment is not only to physical but also psychological on the condition.
Treatment of drug addiction
Treatment of drug addiction starts with realizing that he had become particular drug dependence. Most people deny that he suffered an addiction or dependency.
Patients with drug addiction in general require detoxification with the help of a doctor. This type of therapy that may be done include:
  1. Behavioral therapy, motivation, addiction therapy and counseling programs.
  2. Finding the core problems of drug abuse and to find solutions.
  3. Detoxification and treatment of symptoms
  4. Counseling
  5. Psychotherapy, both individually and collectively. Changes in lifestyle, with exercise so that the effect on changes in dietary patterns.
  6. Treatment with the drug.
Prevention of drug dependence
Drugs can be beneficial if used appropriately. The problem is if there is abuse of the drug. Therefore, the use of drugs that could potentially lead to dependence or addiction, should only be used after consultation with the doctor.
Tips on safe use of the drug lifestyle
  1. Avoid using the drug if it is not needed.
  2. Consultation with a doctor before using any medicine.
  3. Avoid excessive use of drugs and continuously if without the supervision of a doctor
  4. Use the medication as directed by a doctor
  5. Learn medications you take
  6. Wary if there is signs of dependence
  7. Consult a physician immediately if side effects are undesirable.
  8. Apply a healthy lifestyle to improve the physical and psychological health.

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